
fax: 210-822-0544


A Bliss Hospice Care team- the leading provider of hospice care.
Your Hospice Care Team: The Interdisciplinary Team
IDT or Intersdiscplinary Team is focused on managing pain and controlling symptoms, as well as providing emotional and spiritual support to patients and families.
The team works together with the primary physician or the medical director in developing a care plan specific to the patient and family needs.
The care is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Components of IDT.A Bliss Care provides the medically supervised services to the patient at home:
Physician /Medical Director - in conjucntion with the team create a care plan that manages pain and control symptoms associated with the patient's terminal illness or disease
Nurses - Assess the needs and manage the the pain and symptoms of the patients. The nurse will educate family or caregivers in how to assist or care their loved ones.
Hospice Aide - Are certified hospice aides tend to personal care and other activities of daily living for the patients. A hospice plan of care is develop by the nurse for the hospice aide to follow which is specific to the need s of the patient.
SociaL Workers - Look after the emotional needs, helping patients with feelings of fear and anxiety or communication issues with family,coordinate available community resources and other matters that are not medically related., will assist with planning , finances,
insurance benefits and other difficulties.
Chaplains- Provide emotional and spiritual support, guide family through tough decisions concerning end of life issues, provide understanding to relievestrained relationship between loved ones, strenghten faith of patient or family.
Bereavement Coordinator - Help thorug hthe different phases of the end of life process, prepare for the situations of end of life and provide counselling and support for up to 13 months.
Volunteers-Trained volunteers provide companionship and support , assist with simple caregiving and follows a care plan specific to the need of the patient or family.
Other Services include coordination of :
â– Durable medical equipment and;
â– Medications related to the terminal illness for comfort and sypmtom management
â– Respite/inpatient care to help caregivers